###Object Usage and Properties
Everything in JavaScript acts like an object, with the only two exceptions being null
and undefined
####Accessing Properties
The properties of an object can be accessed in two ways, via either the dot notation or the square bracket notation.
The notations work almost identically, with the only difference being that the square bracket notation allows for dynamic setting of properties and the use of property names that would otherwise lead to a syntax error.
###The Prototype
Simply using
Bar.prototype = Foo.prototype
will result in both objects sharing the same prototype. Therefore, changes to either object's prototype will affect the prototype of the other as well, which in most cases is not the desired effect.
To check whether an object has a property defined on itself and not somewhere on its prototype chain, it is necessary to use the hasOwnProperty method which all objects inherit from Object.prototype.
is the only thing in JavaScript which deals with properties and does not traverse the prototype chain.
Using hasOwnProperty
is the only reliable method to check for the existence of a property on an object. It is recommended that hasOwnProperty
be used in many cases when iterating over object properties as described in the section on for in
###Function Declarations and Expressions
####Named Function Expression
Here, bar is not available in the outer scope, since the function only gets assigned to foo; however, inside of bar, it is available. This is due to how name resolution in JavaScript works, the name of the function is always made available in the local scope of the function itself.
###How this
There are exactly five different ways in which the value of this can be bound in the language.
ES5 Note: In strict mode, the global case no longer exists. this will instead have the value of
in that case.
####1. The Global Scope
When using this in global scope, it will simply refer to the global object.
####2. Calling a Function
Here, this will again refer to the global object.
####3. Calling a Method
In this example, this
will refer to test
####4. Calling a Constructor
A function call that is preceded by the new
keyword acts as a constructor. Inside the function, this
will refer to a newly created Object
####5. Explicit Setting of this
When using the call
or apply
methods of Function.prototype
, the value of this
inside the called function gets explicitly set to the first argument of the corresponding function call.
As a result, in the above example the method case does not apply, and this inside of foo will be set to bar.
Common Pitfalls
A common misconception is that this inside of test refers to Foo; while in fact, it does not.
In order to gain access to Foo
from within test
, you can create a local variable inside of method
that refers to Foo
As of ECMAScript 5 you can use the bind
method combined with an anonymous function to achieve the same result.
###Assigning Methods
Another thing that does not work in JavaScript is function aliasing, which is assigning a method to a variable.
Due to the first case, test
now acts like a plain function call; therefore, this
inside it will no longer refer to someObject
###Closures and References
With closures, scopes always keep access to the outer scope, in which they were defined. Since the only scoping that JavaScript has is function scope, all functions, by default, act as closures.
####Closures Inside Loops
The above will not output the numbers 0 through 9, but will simply print the number 10
ten times.
####Avoiding the Reference Problem
In order to copy the value of the loop's index variable, it is best to use an anonymous wrapper.
###The arguments
The arguments
object is not an Array
. While it has some of the semantics of an array - namely the length
property - it does not inherit from Array.prototype
and is in fact an Object
Due to this, it is not possible to use standard array methods like push
, pop
or slice
on arguments
. While iteration with a plain for loop works just fine, it is necessary to convert it to a real Array
in order to use the standard Array methods on it.
####Converting to an Array
Because this conversion is slow, it is not recommended to use it in performance-critical sections of code.
#####Passing Arguments
Any function call that is preceded by the new
keyword acts as a constructor.
If the function that was called has no explicit return statement, then it implicitly returns the value of this
- the new object.
In case of an explicit return statement, the function returns the value specified by that statement, but only if the return value is an Object
When the new
keyword is omitted, the function will not return a new object.
####Creating New Objects via Factories
It is often recommended to not use new
because forgetting its use may lead to bugs.
In order to create a new object, one should rather use a factory and construct a new object inside of that factory.
###Scopes and Namespaces
Although JavaScript deals fine with the syntax of two matching curly braces for blocks, it does not support block scope; hence, all that is left in the language is function scope.
####The Bane of Global Variables
The above two scripts do not have the same effect. Script A defines a variable called foo
in the global scope, and script B defines a foo
in the current scope.
####Local Variables
The only source for local variables in JavaScript are function parameters and variables declared via the var
JavaScript hoists declarations. This means that both var
statements and function
declarations will be moved to the top of their enclosing scope.
The above code gets transformed before execution starts. JavaScript moves the var
statements, as well as function
declarations, to the top of the nearest surrounding scope.
Missing block scoping will not only move var
statements out of loops and their bodies, it will also make the results of certain if constructs non-intuitive.
In the original code, although the if statement seemed to modify the global variable goo, it actually modifies the local variable - after hoisting has been applied.
####Name Resolution Order!!!
All scopes in JavaScript, including the global scope, have the special name this
, defined in them, which refers to the current object.
Function scopes also have the name arguments
, defined in them, which contains the arguments that were passed to the function.
For example, when trying to access a variable named foo
inside the scope of a function, JavaScript will look up the name in the following order:
- In case there is a
statement in the current scope, use that. - If one of the function parameters is named
, use that. - If the function itself is called
, use that. - Go to the next outer scope, and start with #1 again.
A common problem associated with having only one global namespace is the likelihood of running into problems where variable names clash. In JavaScript, this problem can easily be avoided with the help of anonymous wrappers.
Unnamed functions are considered expressions; so in order to be callable, they must first be evaluated.
There are other ways to evaluate and directly call the function expression which, while different in syntax, behave the same way.
###Array Iteration and Properties
Although arrays in JavaScript are objects, there are no good reasons to use the for in
loop. In fact, there are a number of good reasons against the use of for in
on arrays.
Because the for in
loop enumerates all the properties that are on the prototype chain and because the only way to exclude those properties is to use hasOwnProperty
, it is already up to twenty times slower than a normal for
Note: JavaScript arrays are not associative arrays. JavaScript only has objects for mapping keys to values. And while associative arrays preserve order, objects do not.
In order to achieve the best performance when iterating over arrays, it is best to use the classic for
loop is better than for in
loop in perfomance.
The length
While the getter of the length
property simply returns the number of elements that are contained in the array, the setter can be used to truncate the array.
The Array
Since the Array
constructor is ambiguous in how it deals with its parameters, it is highly recommended to use the array literal - []
notation - when creating new arrays.
Being able to set the length of the array in advance is only useful in a few cases, like repeating a string, in which it avoids the use of a loop.
Equality and Comparisons
JavaScript has two different ways of comparing the values of objects for equality.
The Equality Operator
The equality operator consists of two equal signs: ==
JavaScript features weak typing. This means that the equality operator coerces types in order to compare them.
The above table shows the results of the type coercion, and it is the main reason why the use of ==
is widely regarded as bad practice. It introduces hard-to-track-down bugs due to its complicated conversion rules.
Additionally, there is also a performance impact when type coercion is in play; for example, a string has to be converted to a number before it can be compared to another number.
The Strict Equality Operator
The strict equality operator consists of three equal signs: ===
It works like the normal equality operator, except that strict equality operator does not perform type coercion between its operands.
Comparing Objects
While both ==
and ===
are called equality operators, they behave differently when at least one of their operands is an Object.
The typeof
The typeof
operator (together with instanceof
) is probably the biggest design flaw of JavaScript, as it is almost completely broken.
Although instanceof
still has limited uses, typeof
really has only one practical use case, which does not happen to be checking the type of an object.
The JavaScript Type Table
In the above table, Type refers to the value that the typeof
operator returns. As can be clearly seen, this value is anything but consistent.
The Class refers to the value of the internal [[Class]]
property of an object.
The Class of an Object
The only way to determine an object's [[Class]]
value is using Object.prototype.toString
. It returns a string in the following format: '[object ' + valueOfClass + ']'
, e.g [object String]
or [object Array]
Testing for Undefined Variables
The above will check whether foo was actually declared or not; just referencing it would result in a ReferenceError. This is the only thing typeof
is actually useful for.
In Conclusion
In order to check the type of an object, it is highly recommended to use Object.prototype.toString
because this is the only reliable way of doing so. As shown in the above type table, some return values of typeof are not defined in the specification; thus, they can differ between implementations.
###The instanceof Operator
The instanceof
operator compares the constructors of its two operands. It is only useful when comparing custom made objects. Used on built-in types, it is nearly as useless as the typeof
Comparing Custom Objects
Using instanceof
with Native Types
Using instanceof with Native Types
One important thing to note here is that instanceof
does not work on objects that originate from different JavaScript contexts (e.g. different documents in a web browser), since their constructors will not be the exact same object.
In Conclusion
The instanceof
operator should only be used when dealing with custom made objects that originate from the same JavaScript context. Just like the typeof
operator, every other use of it should be avoided.
Type Casting
JavaScript is a weakly typed language, so it will apply type coercion wherever possible.
Constructors of Built-In Types
The constructors of the built in types like Number
and String
behave differently when being used with the new
keyword and without it.
Casting to a String
Casting to a Number
Casting to a Boolean
By using the not operator twice, a value can be converted to a boolean.
Why Not to Use eval
The eval
function will execute a string of JavaScript code in the local scope.
会对表达式求值。如果参数表示了一个或多个JavaScript声明, 那么eval()
来为算数表达式求值; JavaScript 会自动为算数表达式求值。
在随后对其求值。比如,你有一个变量 x
的表达式延迟求值,将 "3 * x + 2"
should never be used. Any code that makes use of it should be questioned in its workings, performance and security. If something requires eval
in order to work, it should not be used in the first place. A better design should be used, that does not require the use of eval
and null
JavaScript has two distinct values for nothing, null
and undefined
, with the latter being more useful.
The Value undefined
is a type with exactly one value: undefined
The language also defines a global variable that has the value of undefined
; this variable is also called undefined
. However, this variable is neither a constant nor a keyword of the language. This means that its value can be easily overwritten.
Here are some examples of when the value undefined is returned:
- Accessing the (unmodified) global variable
. - Accessing a declared but not yet initialized variable.
- Implicit returns of functions due to missing
statements. return
statements that do not explicitly return anything.- Lookups of non-existent properties.
- Function parameters that do not have any explicit value passed.
- Anything that has been set to the value of
. - Any expression in the form of
Uses of null
While undefined
in the context of the JavaScript language is mostly used in the sense of a traditional null
, the actual null
(both a literal and a type) is more or less just another data type.
It is used in some JavaScript internals (like declaring the end of the prototype chain by setting Foo.prototype = null
), but in almost all cases, it can be replaced by undefined
The delete Operator
In short, it's impossible to delete global variables, functions and some other stuff in JavaScript which have a DontDelete
attribute set.
Global code and Function code
When a variable or a function is defined in a global or a function scope it is a property of either the Activation object or the Global object. Such properties have a set of attributes, one of which is DontDelete
. Variable and function declarations in global and function code always create properties with DontDelete
, and therefore cannot be deleted.
Function arguments and built-ins
Functions' normal arguments, arguments
objects and built-in properties also have DontDelete